The team just returned from a wild time in Las Vegas where we attended Leads Con 2015. And in case you were wondering, no, we weren’t excited to go from palm trees to snow piles when we came back to Lancaster.
Highlights of Leads Con 2015:
- Keynote speaker, Marcus Sheridan, applauded our team for being the earliest big group of attendees. He took charge of the stage with awesome insight on the importance of writing articles and generating the right content to gain conversions.
- Informative sessions ranged from tracks of lead generation strategy, vertical markets, and performance & insights.
- Attended sessions led by the industry’s most talented from companies like Google, Kayak,, Lending Tree, HomeAdvisor, and tons more.
What we learned outside of Leads Con…
- Jillian has the best luck of us all—she won $700+ in the casino
- Oliver and Sean are totally twins (but who wore it better?)
- Just because you pay for unlimited meat at the Brazilian restaurant, doesn’t mean you have to eat ALL the meat
- Free casino drinks > $20 bar drinks
- Cab drivers have the best jokes about mother-in-laws
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