Social media is a beautiful thing. Of course, this opinion is coming from a millennial that spends 8 hours per day plugged into a computer, and another 8 with her phone in her face, leaving just enough time to get some shut-eye. But we live in an age of news feeds, selfies, and twitter lists, and it’s important for those who wish to stay up to date with the fast pace of currents events to adapt.
Aside from creeping on your friends, your ex, and your favorite celebrities, social media platforms are a great way to promote your brand. By now, most business owners know this and are utilizing sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Businesses that are constantly active on social media platforms benefit by building relationships with current and potential clients and/or customers, gaining the ability to respond to positive or negative comments, promoting their culture, and more. Social media can help generate leads, and even close sales, depending on the industry.
So, when does social media become a negative thing for a business?
When to Get Rid of a Social Media Platform
Have you ever been really into a certain brand or store, so you decide to check them out on social media, only to find out that they never update it, and all of the sudden, the brand seems a little less legitimate? Yeah, me too. The truth is, certain social media platforms just aren’t right for every business. On the other hand, knowing when to delete an account can be confusing and feel a little defeating. These three things are tell-tale signs that it’s time to delete a social media account:
Nix the site if the only ‘likes’ or ‘followers’ you have are friends and family.
As nice as it is that everyone you’re close to is supporting your business or brand, it’s probably not the audience or public you’re looking for. This can happen to even the most established brands, especially when their target audience is a generation that typically doesn’t use social media.
Ditch the platform if you’re not actively updating it.
Keeping those who like or follow your business engaged and involved is key to managing social media. Don’t create a social media site for your business just for the sake of having one. Moral of the story – slapping your logo on a Facebook or Twitter page, and updating your profile information is not enough to keep a business’s social media platform alive because it definitely won’t keep your public engaged.
Say ‘bye-bye’ to the social media that isn’t bringing traffic to your website.
If it’s not generating traffic, it’s not doing its job. Trying to keep up on a social media platform that isn’t bringing in traffic is a waste of time and resources. Finding out which platforms are generating traffic and which aren’t may take a little ‘behind the scenes’ research, but if Facebook is bringing in 80 percent of your site’s visitors, and Twitter is bringing in 0 percent, you should definitely ditch the latter.
Knowing when to leave a particular platform in the dust is a great way to save time and resources, and allows most businesses to focus their energy on the social media that actually work for them.
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