The great thing about marketing for your own brands vs. being a marketer at an agency is that there is more leeway for trial and error than agency marketing. When you do marketing in-house and you come up with an idea that flops, you just switch gears and try something else. This year our marketing department spread its wings to try some different content formats. Our goal is to improve the solid content already on our websites. From enhancing our trucking podcast to using our podcast equipment to boost our other brands, we have a list of content formats that we tackled in 2018. Some flopped, some soared, but in all of them, we learned something to improve for next time. Check out what we’ve been working on!
Beyond Blogging: The List of Content Formats Track5 Tackled in 2018
For those of you who don’t know what Track5 does – we build job board websites for niche industries like trucking and healthcare, and then we market our own brands. We currently have four healthcare brands, a trucking brand, and then a trucking podcast. Here’s the list of content formats we used this year so far!
1. Top 10 Destination Video – AlliedTravelCareers
The most recent content we completed was a video for our brand AlliedTravelCareers. This brand really needed some love. It’s one of our newer brands, and social media engagement is a struggle. We had to brainstorm – what information do we have specifically tied to our website can we use to engage people socially? Naturally, we went for the travel aspect of our website and created a video highlighting the top 10 destinations where we have the most jobs available for allied workers. We made a video and did social snippets for a few weeks counting down to the #1 destination. Overall, engagement increased on our website! Our link building campaign surrounding the video was slightly less successful, but at least our brand name is out there and people were talking about it more than before.
2. How to Become a Travel Nurse Resource – TravelNurseSource
About a year ago we sat down and brainstormed how we could create an additional resource on our website that would step by step show people how to become a travel nurse. We looked at what already existed on the internet and in print. From there, we figured out what we could create that would give us a competitive edge. We interviewed people throughout the industry, came up with ways to make it downloadable and engaging, added video, and so much more. This project is currently in the final design stages and will go on our site early next year. The guide is a 10-chapter resource of evergreen content that will hopefully build us links for years to come.
3. Expert interviews in our industries – AllPhysicianJobs
Across all of our brands, we started doing industry interviews. We pick someone who has a prominent voice in the industry and do a recorded phone interview with them. This not only helped to give us a more trustworthy voice in our industry, but it created a new content format on our websites – audio. One interview in particular, on AllPhysicianJobs, highlighted a very emotional topic – physician suicide. This interview was not only relevant, but it’s something that often goes unreported. It is very personal to the audience we are trying to target. Plus, it’s interesting to everyone, not just doctors! Give it a listen!
4. Trade show podcast promotion – BigRigBanter
We launched our podcast about a year and a half ago, and so far, so good. There have definitely been a few bumps in the road, but overall the podcast has gathered a solid listening audience. We cover all kinds of trucking topics, from how to find love on the road to more serious subjects like sex trafficking in the trucking industry. This year, for the first time, we attended a large event in Dallas, TX called the Great American Trucking Show. We got interviews on-site with all kinds of people, talked to truck drivers, and were really able to promote our podcast through photos, audio, and video. When we got back, we put all of those interviews into an episode that turned out really cool. There were so many voices from the trucking industry in it, which hopefully attracted new audiences.
5. Niche Infographic
Of course, infographics made our list of content formats. We’ve made several infographics over the years for all of our brands. Currently, we are working on one that recognizes veterans in the trucking industry. We’re not talking about people who’ve been in the industry for a long time – we’re talking about soldiers coming home who seek careers in trucking. This project is cool because we got to interview a few of the trucking companies we work with to highlight their veteran-hiring programs. We also did some digging into our own site and found out exactly how many companies we work with that focus on hiring military. Not only does this infographic target a specific audience and use our proprietary information, but it includes some big names in the industry and has a very personal message to it. It will be live around Veteran’s Day, so be sure to check it out!
So, there you have the list of content formats we tackled so far in 2018. Are you interested in learning about content marketing? Check out our available marketing internships!
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