Jul 15, 2015 — TrackFive

Get to Know our Newest Interns: Jennifer & Emily

Two weeks ago we welcomed two awesome interns to the ever-growing Track5Media team. Here’s just a little bit about the lovely ladies who will be helping out our marketing and IT departments.

Jennifer Willemin

PR/Marketing Intern

Jennifer is a 2015 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, earning her bachelor’s degree in Writing and Public Relations. She joined the Track5 team in June as a Marketing and Public Relations intern, spending her days in the office blog writing, assisting in marketing initiatives, and drinking hazelnut coffee. When she isn’t at work Jennifer can often be found reading in the sunshine, riding around on her cruiser bike, picnicking, and exploring. Some of her hobbies include aromatherapy, watching old movies, hanging out with her cats, crafting, and treasure hunting.

Emily Myket

Development Intern

Emily comes to Track5 as a Millersville University Senior, expecting to graduate in December 2015 with a B.S. in speech communication with a focus in public relations. The baby sister of three older brothers, Emily is extremely family-oriented with not only her close-knit tribe but also with her dog, Lager, and her two cats, Boo and Sam. Fallen victim to wanderlust, Emily adores nothing more than traveling, exploring, and pretty much being outside every chance she gets. When she isn’t roaming the woods, she’s not afraid to admit she’s a huge sucker for an ice-cold beer or a glass of wine (the cheaper, the better.)

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