Blog Post Ideas
Sep 22, 2017 — TrackFive

Blog Post Ideas | What Do I Write About???

Oh yeah, it’s Friday! But wait- you still have one last blog post to write before the weekend! You’ve written several already this week and it seems like you’ve exhausted all possible topics. How do you generate great blog post ideas so that you can still produce stellar content? This isn’t just about writer’s block, you don’t even have an idea that’s blocked yet. In case you were wondering, this blog is definitely unrelated to my feeling when I saw I had one more post due today… Anyway, you know you need to get writing, but where do you start?

Blog Post Ideas 101

Define Your Goals

There are plenty of goals that you could have for any given blog post. Some of them may even overlap with one another. While some of the more tangible goals for a blog post may include encouraging conversions, others can just be about attracting a certain audience. Between these two extremes, you could be writing your blog for any number of reasons. Whether that is to inspire trust from your readers or compile the perspectives of some influencers, there is no bad game plan for writing a blog. That is unless you have no game plan. Coming up with great blog post ideas will be infinitely easier if you know why you are writing. Once you do, you’re ready to think about what you’re writing.

Ask Yourself Questions

Of course, the question you’ve already been struggling with is, “what do I write about?” This certainly qualifies as a question, but not the type of question that can help you generate an original blog post idea. As you consider different topics, ask yourself more specific questions. For example, “what do I want to learn more about?” This can be especially helpful when writing about a specific industry. Any industry you could be writing for certainly has its fair share of intricacies that can be difficult to keep up with. However, if you are able to identify a specific trend or theme within that industry that interests you, it will be much easier to find that perfect blog post idea. Another great question to ask yourself is, “what do people ask me?” If your site offers a frequently asked questions page, this can be a great place to start. After all, this can tell you exactly what your audience wants to know!


Now that you have a general direction (hopefully!) it’s time to start reading! Keep in mind, if you still don’t have an idea for a theme, it may be a good idea to ask yourself a few more questions. While reading can certainly help inspire ideas regardless of whether or not you already have a theme, having some direction can help you identify sources to check out. Assuming you have that direction, search several unique queries that relate to your theme. For example, if you want to write an article about SEO, search queries like “SEO trends” or “guide to SEO.” Identify reputable sources and read on! You’ll likely learn a lot and very well may find a specific topic that you want to write about.

Hopefully, this article has helped give you some insight into creating blog post ideas. Of course, these recommendations are not all-inclusive. There are plenty of other ways to think of topics. However, the tips given above are a great place to start and are usually how I come up with my blog post ideas. At this point, the hard part should be over! Now it’s time to start writing. Need some help with this next step? Look no further than these awesome blog writing tips! As always, write on! After all, content marketing is alive and well.

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