The children sang “Santa Claus is coming to town,” their eager eyes glancing toward the door in anticipation. Was Santa Claus really coming to hang out with them at the library on this chilly December day? Suddenly Santa, Mrs. Claus, and three elves burst through the door carrying gifts. Wondrous eyes lit up at the sight, and excitement and joy radiated from the group of children. Although some were scared, most of the kids were enthusiastic about sitting on Santa’s lap. Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves danced with them, read them a story, and even gave them presents. Can you imagine – getting your picture taken with the real Santa Claus? Little did the children know that behind his bright red suit and big white beard was actually just a regular man disguised as a saint.

Brett Koch, a digital sales representative for Track5Media, was taking a break from making sales calls in the office to pose as Santa. Why? Because here at Track5Media, we pride ourselves on giving back to our community each year through what is known as our Day of Giving. For one day, team members dress in costume and travel to several nonprofits in the city to deliver toys to children. Working social impact tech jobs is important to us because it’s our way of making better the community that allows our business to thrive.
“The kids were great,” Brett said. “It was awesome to see the look of amazement as we all walked through the door.”
We just like smiling. Smiling’s our favorite.
All year long we are sales representatives, content marketers, account managers, and web developers. But on the Day of Giving, our social impact tech jobs allow us to be so much more than that. In the eyes of the children we visit, we are their favorite Christmas characters in real life.
A lot of planning goes into making the Day of Giving happen. First, the company votes on which nonprofits we’d like to contribute to. Then we reach out to said nonprofits and ask them if they’d allow us to bring presents. Once we know where we’re going, the age group of the children, and how many there will be, we order gifts. After the gifts arrive, the entire team gets together to wrap them! We also send out a press release, and this year it paid off because we were on the local news!
Day of Giving 2017
Track5Media held its 2017 Day of Giving on Dec. 6. We split our team into groups, and we visited four nonprofits in total. The nonprofits were all Lancaster-based: Community Action Partnership, the Domestic Violence Shelter of Lancaster County, Mom’s House of Lancaster, and Church World Services.
When we arrive at these nonprofits, we never know what to expect. Some of the children have been through severe trauma. Many of them come from poverty-stricken families. Just like each of their life experiences is different, each of us has our own story to tell when the Day of Giving is over.
“One of my favorite parts of the day was just watching the pure joy on the kids’ faces when they got to come and sit with Santa,” said Mrs. Claus. All other days of the year she goes by Jill Armstrong, director of client accounts at Track5Media.
“Many of the kids were very eager to come up and talk to me and Mrs. Claus and we heard several interesting toy ideas!!” said Brett. (AKA Santa Claus) “It was also great to get some pictures with the kids – even the ones who were crying the second they were put on my lap! Overall, it was a wonderful experience, and I am very much looking forward to the Day of Giving next year!”
Social Impact Tech Jobs in Lancaster
There are many benefits of social responsibility, and here at Track5Media, we’re grateful to be part of and give back to our Lancaster County community.
Have you considered working social impact tech jobs in Lancaster? If so, we’re always looking for tech-savvy individuals who can also perform as a jolly old Saint Nick. Keep an eye on our careers page for a position that suits you!
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